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Hi, my name is Saul Chemonges (aka Alaska Panos)

Saul Chemonges image at mum's

The home base of world-class long distance runners!

I am a Web Developer based in Brisbane, Australia

Welcome to my website!

I am skilled in IT-intensive discovery mass spectrometry-based proteomics on the TripleTOF 5600 (SCIEX) instrument for peptide and protein sequencing workflows. This includes the analysis of large-scale proteome-wide datasets, proteogenomics method development – plus peptide spectral library (PSL) construction using data-depended acquisition (DDA) workflows and SWATH-MS proteomic assays. As a data scientist, I collate and analyse information from massive datatabses such as the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), UniProt and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) using bioinfomatics tools.

From begining with DOS-prompt CLI years back, I have since become proficient in using common Microsoft® Office computer applications, EndNote reference management package and bioinformatics platforms specifically SWATH pipeline (SCIEX), ProteinPilot™, Mascot, Scaffold, Skyline, PeptideShaker, PeakView® and MarkerView™ applications.

My current career prospects as full-stack develope are in software development and computer programming. I am doing this whilst building and bolstering my biomedical background, for example by using acquired skills in a translational research environment, teaching, professional development, alongside building research collaborations and nurturing the real 'Home' in me - to reflect back during the days when I was growing up.